Chasse aux œuvres de Pâques

Hunt for Easter works

On April 16, 2022, Julien Durix and his team organized a hunt for works to celebrate Easter in the cities of Paris, Lyon and Vichy.

Participants had 60 minutes to find the different limited editions hidden in emblematic places of the city in question.

They were able to follow the clues on Instagram and retrieve a password that allowed them to unlock the work once there.

People who were unable to come also had the opportunity to win the work by subscribing to Julien's Twitter, liking and retweeting a specific post. A draw was held to determine the winner.

This hunt for works was a success with Julien’s subscribers. An interactive way to present your work while celebrating the Easter holidays in an original way.

It was highly appreciated and showed the ingenuity and creativity of the artist and his team in putting together interactive events for his fans.

We would like to thank you for your many participations in this event and hope to be able to offer you others 😉

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